Really interesting read, thanks! I read Bock's 'Work Rules!' a couple of years back, and I remember enjoying it a lot. The part I remember the most is the emphasis on data in hiring - 'don’t trust your gut, measure objectively and compare the results over time' (which is something organizations rarely do).

It's impressive that Google actually took the data-driven approach even to management skillls (with apparent success).

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Cheers! :) Thanks for taking the time to read the article and share your thoughts, Anton! I agree, Bock's 'Work Rules!' has some fantastic insights. Data-driven decision making is crucial for organizations to move beyond gut feelings and build a strong foundation for success.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10Liked by Addy Osmani

Managers matter a lot. Unfortunately, I haven't had any at my first positions.

At my first job as a Java Developer, I embraced being behind the screens, solving coding problems, and not interacting with our customers. I don't think I knew what Soft Skills even meant. 4-person team, all engineers, boss is a tech guy with sales experience. I haven't met a single client for years. It was my dream job. Or at least I thought so.

As soon as I turned to freelancing and later to consulting, I learned the hard way that my silly coding problems were like 10% of how software is built.

Whether you're selling services or planning to build a solution, it always starts with _someone else_ where you immediately need those soft skills. I wish I had at least some coaching in soft skills.

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You're absolutely right, Akos. While technical skills are essential, soft skills become increasingly important as you progress in your career. Your story serves as a powerful reminder of that. In case it's helpful where soft skills for developers are concerned, I wrote a short free book on this topic: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=2SmzEAAAQBAJ

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This is amazing. Thank you for sharing it, Addy!

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Wow, awesome write on lessons of what a good manager and management culture look like from Google’s project Oxygen.

It’s super noticeable how coaching, empowering, inclusivity, and results are the top four. And being strong technically is way down the list.

Definitely something I want to dig into more as a new manager so I can empower my team and be the best manager I can be for them.

Thanks for sharing Addy!

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Thanks for the kind words, Caleb! I was also happy to see coaching, empowerment, inclusivity, and results being prioritized by folks over strictly technical expertise (and regularly see folks whose intuition may be a little different there!). This definitely emphasizes the importance of soft skills and leadership qualities in effective management.

The data is a reminder that our role is not just about technical proficiency but also about empowering and supporting our teams to excel. I'm glad you found it inspiring too! Wishing you only the best on your journey as a new manager!

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